Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Roum and Aramean communities Rally in the Holy Land

This past Sunday, members of the Greek Orthodox and Aramean communities staged a peaceful protest in Haifa, in order to express their outrage at the continued persecution of their brethren throughout the Middle East. Participates gathered with signs and flags, and called for a peaceful resolution to the war in Gaza, as well as for an end to the on-going Genocide of Christians in Syria and Iraq.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

ACTION ALERT – Worldwide Protest to save Indigenous Christians of the Levant and Iraq

ACTION ALERT – Worldwide Protest to save Indigenous Christians of the Levant and Iraq
For Immediate Release 7/26/2014

As the world sits in silence, the entire region watches a Genocide unfold before its very eyes. Similar to the events of 1914, Islamic Extremists have followed in the footsteps of the Ittihadists (Young Turks), and begun a policy of extermination against indigenous Roum, Assyrian, and Armenian population.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The Death of the Antiochian ethnicity in Romaiki Syria.

The Death of the Antiochian ethnicity in Romaiki Syria.
By Ilias Michail

In 1860, fearing the possibility of a successful uprising similar to the one in Greece, the ruling Ottomans influenced the local Muslim population into attacking the Christian community of present day Syria and Lebanon. There are several reasons for this assault. The Ottoman powers had been compromised by many outside forces, such as the imperial powers of Europe and Russia, who wanted to trash the empire, but not, in a way, that would hurt European interests. By the time of the attack the Ottoman Empire was called “The sick man of Europe” due to its demise. When the massacres, which started in present day Lebanon reached the Christian quarters of Damascus, over 10’000 Antiochians were forced to give their lives for the crime of simply being Roum.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

UPDATE – Have you called your Congressman in the name of Greek Human Rights?

For Immediate Release – July 10th, 2014

Last week, Operation Antioch asked all Greek-Americans to take 5 minutes from their busy lives and call their Congressmen, in order to prevent the United States from sending $500 million in aid to the so-called “moderate” Syrian Opposition. The current American policy of aiding terrorists in the hopes of forcing regime change in Syria has backfired. Instead, it has led to the rise of a radical Islamic Caliphate, which now threatens all the sacrifices made by the young men and women of the United States military in neighboring Iraq. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

ACTION ALERT – Turkey guilty of kidnapping Antiochian Greek Archbishop of Aleppo

For Immediate Release – July 4th, 2014 

In a recently released video on YouTube, the Grand Sunni Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun named the Turkish government, as the guilty party behind the kidnapping of both the Greek and Syriac Orthodox Archbishops of Aleppo. As per the Grand Mufti, Turkey’s motive seems to be connected to the issue of confiscated Christian properties, and the possibility of the Syriac Church returning its Patriarchate seat back to the city of Antioch. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

رسالة إلى روم المشرق المستعربين

أعزائي المستعربين ،

منذ أكثر من 100 سنة، ونحن نلعب دور الحرباء، اقنعنا أنفسنا أنه من أجل العيش بسلام في أرض أجدادنا، يجب علينا أن نقبل اعتماد ثقافة حضارة أجنبية. ومع ذلك، فإن أيام السلام والتعايش المشترك بدأت تتلاشى بسرعة. تتسارع الأحداث في جميع أنحاء بلادنا، ولا بد أن نسأل أنفسنا الى أين سيوصلنا دعمنا المتواصل للعروبة.  قد يشعر الكثير منكم بعدم الارتياح لهذا الطرح، ومُسائلة التزامنا بالحضارة العربية قد يبدو غير عقلاني، وربما إهانة، ولكن دعونا نفحص 
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