Dear Mayor Jim Dear & Council Members,
We are Operation Antioch, a network of Middle Eastern Greek
Orthodox & Greek Catholic Christians with roots tracing back to countries
of modern-day Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Israel/Palestine. It has come
to our attention that your city is considering erecting a sculpture in honor of
Mustafa Kemal “Ataturk”. As Middle Eastern Christians, it deeply saddens us,
especially now as we are facing a Genocide at the hands of Islamic Terrorists
like ISIS, that you are considering erecting a monument in honor of this man.
You see, Mustafa Kemal was a War Criminal Wanted for Crimes against
Humanity before he established the Republic of Turkey. And between the years of
1919 and 1923, he continued the same exact Genocidal policy first committed by
the Ottoman Government against the region's indigenous Armenian, Greek, and
Assyrian Christians. A policy, which combined with its use by the Ottoman
Government & Ataturk, resulted in the mass murder of over 3.5 million
In the name of human decency, we beg you to vote NO to
erecting this travesty, especially now as 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of
the Genocide he is guilty of committing. Would the Carson City Council allow
itself to consider even erecting a sculpture in honor of Adolf Hitler? If not,
then why would it allow itself to even consider one for a man Hitler idolized?
Operation Antioch